Schafer Cullen Enhanced Equity Income

Managed Accounts

Schafer Cullen Enhanced Equity Income

To open a managed account using this strategy, please contact your local representative.

This page shows the performance history of the strategy and indicative holdings.

Strategy AUM
$1.77bn (Sep 30, 2024)
S&P 500® Buywrite Index (BXM)
Inception Date
Dec 31, 2010

Strategy Performance Through Sep 30, 2024

Hypothetical Growth of $10,000

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Inception Date: Dec 31, 2010

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Market conditions can vary widely over time and can result in a loss of portfolio value. Individual account performance results will vary and will not match that of the composite or model. This variance depends on factors such as market conditions at the time of investment, and / or investment restrictions imposed by a client which may cause an account to either outperform or underperform the composite or model’s performance. A list of all recommendations made by SCCM within the immediately preceding period of not less than one year is available upon request.

The strategy depicted in this report has been managed in accordance with the investment objectives of the strategy as determined by the Adviser. The Adviser has selected benchmarks, which in their opinion closely resemble the style of the securities held in the composite or model portfolio of the strategy (e.g. large cap value, small cap value, international, etc.). The securities held in the composite or model are actively managed while the benchmark index is not. Investors should be aware that the Adviser makes no attempt to match the portfolio securities, or the security weightings of the benchmark. The composite or model’s performance will be affected greater by the price movements of individual securities as the composite or model is more concentrated, generally less than 100 securities, while a comparative benchmark will generally have between 500 and 2,500 securities where individual security price movements have a lesser affect. An individual cannot invest directly in an index.

In the case where this report displays model results, please be aware that such results do not represent actual trading and that results may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have had on the Adviser's decision-making if the Adviser were actually managing clients' money.

Model and actual results reflect the deduction of advisory fees, brokerage or other commissions, and any other expenses that a client would have paid or actually paid (Net of Fee performance) and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings.

Schafer Cullen Capital Management, Inc. makes no representation that the use of this material can in and of itself be used to determine which securities to buy or sell, or when to buy or sell them; SCCM makes no representation, either directly or indirectly, that any graph, chart, formula or other device being offered herein will assist any person in making their own decisions as to which securities to buy, sell, or when to buy or sell them.

All opinions expressed constitute Schafer Cullen Capital Management's judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice.

  1. Beta is a measure of the volatility of a fund relative to the overall market.
  2. R-Squared represents the percentage of the portfolio’s movements that can be explained by the general movements of the market.
  3. The up-market capture ratio and the down-market capture ratio are statistical measures of an investment manager's overall performance in up-markets/down-markets against its benchmark.
  4. Standard Deviation is a statistical measure of the historic volatility of a portfolio.

Investing in the stock market involves gains and losses and options and may not be suitable for all investors. Investing in equity securities is speculative and involves substantial risk. Dividends are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Dividend income is just one component of performance and should not be the only consideration for investing.

Average Annual Total Return (%)

Through Sep 30, 2024
Strategy Gross
Strategy Net
S&P 500 BW (BXM)
Through Sep 30, 2024 MTDQTDYTD1 yr2 yr3 yr4 yr5 yr
Strategy Gross 1.47 9.65 13.53 21.25 15.25 7.44 13.20 9.54
Strategy Net 1.43 9.51 13.11 20.66 14.68 6.90 12.64 9.00
S&P 500 BW (BXM) 1.40 5.54 13.55 18.31 16.45 6.39 9.89 6.59
Through Sep 30, 2024
Strategy Gross
Strategy Net
S&P 500 BW (BXM)
Through Sep 30, 2024 6 yr7 yr8 yr9 yr10 yrInception
Strategy Gross 8.57 7.93 8.64 9.45 7.79 9.22
Strategy Net 8.04 7.40 8.10 8.91 7.26 8.67
S&P 500 BW (BXM) 5.26 5.89 6.74 6.93 6.25 6.77

Calendar Year Returns (%)

Strategy Gross
Strategy Net
S&P 500 BW (BXM)
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Strategy Gross 1.55 1.95 23.69 1.46 19.15
Strategy Net 1.04 1.44 23.08 0.96 18.56
S&P 500 BW (BXM) 11.82 -11.37 20.47 -2.75 15.68

Source for all performance data: Morningstar, as at Sep 30, 2024. Morningstar 2024. All rights reserved.

Risk Measures

Since Inception as compared to the S&P 500® Buywrite Index (BXM)
Beta1 1.03
R-Squared2 68.11%
Up-Market Capture3 117.43%
Down-Market Capture3 107.25%
Standard Deviation (Fund)4 12.42
Standard Deviation (Index)4 9.97

Inception Date: Dec 31, 2010

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Market conditions can vary widely over time and can result in a loss of portfolio value. Individual account performance results will vary and will not match that of the composite or model. This variance depends on factors such as market conditions at the time of investment, and / or investment restrictions imposed by a client which may cause an account to either outperform or underperform the composite or model’s performance. A list of all recommendations made by SCCM within the immediately preceding period of not less than one year is available upon request.

The strategy depicted in this report has been managed in accordance with the investment objectives of the strategy as determined by the Adviser. The Adviser has selected benchmarks, which in their opinion closely resemble the style of the securities held in the composite or model portfolio of the strategy (e.g. large cap value, small cap value, international, etc.). The securities held in the composite or model are actively managed while the benchmark index is not. Investors should be aware that the Adviser makes no attempt to match the portfolio securities, or the security weightings of the benchmark. The composite or model’s performance will be affected greater by the price movements of individual securities as the composite or model is more concentrated, generally less than 100 securities, while a comparative benchmark will generally have between 500 and 2,500 securities where individual security price movements have a lesser affect. An individual cannot invest directly in an index.

In the case where this report displays model results, please be aware that such results do not represent actual trading and that results may not reflect the impact that material economic and market factors might have had on the Adviser's decision-making if the Adviser were actually managing clients' money.

Model and actual results reflect the deduction of advisory fees, brokerage or other commissions, and any other expenses that a client would have paid or actually paid (Net of Fee performance) and reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings.

Schafer Cullen Capital Management, Inc. makes no representation that the use of this material can in and of itself be used to determine which securities to buy or sell, or when to buy or sell them; SCCM makes no representation, either directly or indirectly, that any graph, chart, formula or other device being offered herein will assist any person in making their own decisions as to which securities to buy, sell, or when to buy or sell them.

All opinions expressed constitute Schafer Cullen Capital Management's judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice.

  1. Beta is a measure of the volatility of a fund relative to the overall market.
  2. R-Squared represents the percentage of the portfolio’s movements that can be explained by the general movements of the market.
  3. The up-market capture ratio and the down-market capture ratio are statistical measures of an investment manager's overall performance in up-markets/down-markets against its benchmark.
  4. Standard Deviation is a statistical measure of the historic volatility of a portfolio.

Investing in the stock market involves gains and losses and options and may not be suitable for all investors. Investing in equity securities is speculative and involves substantial risk. Dividends are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Dividend income is just one component of performance and should not be the only consideration for investing.

Strategy Holdings As at Jun 30, 2024

Top 10 Holdings (%)

Top 10 Holdings
Rest of Portfolio
EOG Resources 4.2
Verizon Communications 4.1
Cisco Systems 4.0
Duke Energy 3.9
PPL Corporation 3.8
Medtronic 3.7
Chevron 3.6
Novartis 3.5
Bristol-Myers Squibb 3.5
VICI Properties 3.4

Portfolio Characteristics

Dividend Yield 4.3%
P/E Ratio (2024) 13.3x
P/B Ratio 2.8x
2023 Realized Dividend Yield 4.3%
Premium Yield 2.7%
LT Debt to Capital 36.7%

Totals may not equal 100% due to rounding

The Fund’s holding and sector allocations may change at any time due to ongoing portfolio management. References to specific investments should not be construed as a recommendation by the Fund or Cullen Capital Management to buy or sell the securities.


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    Contact us by mail

  • Schafer Cullen Capital Management
    645 5th Avenue, Suite 1201
    New York, NY 10022

    Contact us by fax

  • 212-593-4275

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